Thursday, November 18, 2010

An Increase Demand for Business Intelligence Professionals

In today's business world there is a significant increase for Business Intelligence professionals. If you are doing business today, you need professionals who understand internal and external data analysis trends that can lead to growth opportunities. Many companies have decided to transition to a more manageable realm in the business world. They are re-organizing to improve their position in current markets, industries and to acquire new business opportunities.  However, most are using out-dated methods and depending upon old alliances.

In 2010 and moving into 2011; most businesses should be asking themselves a few questions:

1.  Who are our Top 100 customers and how has the current economy effected their business?
2.  How does our current analytical tools support the organization and are they sufficient?
3.  How has data analysis supported our strategic growth in the past five years, two years and last six months?
4.  Can we use our data to help support the strategic growth for our current and prospective customers?
5.  Where do we want to be as a company in two, five or ten years?

Any organization that hasn't been asking themselves these five strategic questions, will find themselves behind the business curve in a few years. That's why I believe that in 2011 there will be an increase demand for Business Intrelligence professionals. 

Most have taken the old-methods of reducing labor force or staff;  some have developed a transition plan, but few have increased the use of data analysis and business development.  What do you think will be the key to growth in the very near future?


  1. Over the last few years I have noticed a significant increase in the number of request for data analysis; in regard to account and business development. However, from my perspective I don't believe that many of the leaders I have worked with are familiar with growth strategy performance measurement tools.

    Sarah M. (Alpharetta,GA)

  2. What do you think will be the best tools for business development in the next two years?
